
Mesothelioma News Articles
Listed below are the current news
articles related to mesothelioma and asbestos caused
cancer. For more information use the news resources listed on the right side of the page.
July 9, 2005 |
Asbestos cited in deaths of 12 pipe-maker workers
...All 15 developed lung cancer or mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos particles.
According to the officials, Nihon Etanitto Pipe manufactured water pipes containing asbestos from 1933 to 1985 in its three plants. Of the 12 people who died, six worked in Nihon Etanitto Pipe's plant in Takamatsu; four at its factory in Tosu, Saga Prefecture; and two in its plant in Omiya, Saitama Prefecture.
June 29, 2005 |
Senator Specter Breaks Promise to Mesothelioma Patient and Research Community
...The mesothelioma research community today expressed great disappointment in Senator Arlen Specter's reluctance to provide additional funding for mesothelioma research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). "Mesothelioma patients and individuals exposed to asbestos count on research dollars to provide hope for better treatments and survival. This development is disappointing for the mesothelioma research community," said Dr. Harvey Pass, the chairman of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation's Science Advisory Board....
June 22, 2005 |
Fujirebio Diagnostics Launches First Blood Test for Mesothelioma
...announced that it has signed a distributor agreement with Australian based Vital Diagnostics for its new blood test for mesothelioma, MESOMARKTM. The agreement marks the beginning of the company's commercial roll-out of MESOMARK, which is now available for the first time in Australia....
June 21, 2005 |
Asbestos lawsuits continue to decline
If midyear numbers are an indication, asbestos lawsuits are still on the decline in Madison County. The county has had 122 asbestos cases filed so far in 2005. There were 477 filed in 2004, which followed three years of asbestos lawsuits topping 800 ...
Plaintiffs from across the country have filed asbestos suits in the county. According to a report in 2004 by Joyce's group, which is backed by businesses, one-fourth of the lawsuits filed in the United States involving mesothelioma are filed in Madison County.
May 30, 2005 |
Novel Cancer Drug Shows Early Promise
A prototype cancer drug that blocks a protein called Hsp90 appears to be able to attack tumours on many different fronts simultaneously, according to results of an early-stage study in 30 patients.
The drug, dubbed 17AAG, was administered intravenously once weekly to patients with advanced melanoma, soft-tissue cancer, mesothelioma, and cancers of the breast, colon, ovary, kidney, lung, pancreas, peritoneum, parotid gland or cancers of unknown origin.
May 22, 2005 |
Cancer seen in family members of asbestos workers
...People with on-the-job exposure to asbestos — in industries such as construction, insulation manufacturing and shipbuilding — are at greatest risk of mesothelioma. The people who lived with them may also face an increased mesothelioma risk, because in the past these workers likely came home with particles of asbestos on their clothes and bodies.
For the new study, Dr. Albert Miller of St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center in New York obtained medical records and other data on asbestos claimants from 15 U.S. law firms. The findings are published in the May issue of the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
May 18, 2005 |
Vitamin E helps battle cancer
...A VITAMIN E-related compound may kill deadly cancer cells caused by asbestos exposure, says an Australian cell biologist who has already established its success in trials using mice.
Gold Coast-based Griffith University researcher Jiri Neuzil said alpha-TOS, which is closely related to Vitamin E, killed mesothelioma cancer cells in experiments with mice.
Dr Neuzil said alpha-TOS also halted growth of mesothelioma tumours, for which there is currently no cure, under a five-year study involving researchers from Australia, Italy and the Czech Republic.
May 16, 2005 |
Ex-silver bullet re-aimed at cancer
...anti-angiogenesis therapy based on starving tumors to death by choking off their blood supply has reappeared on the cancer-care landscape, and this time more realistic expectations figure to keep it around.
Now used in combination with chemotherapy, the new treatment is making inroads against some of the deadliest cancers. Researchers reported impressive results from Avastin, the field’s star drug, for mesothelioma, lung, breast, and ovarian cancer....
May 5, 2004 |
Buck House Death Payout
... THE widow of a man who died after exposure to asbestos at Buckingham Palace was awarded £177,901 damages yesterday. ...
Mr Costello, from London, was employed by the Property Services Agency when he worked at the palace as a maintenance engineer between 1970 and 1992.
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