Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks
the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the thin
membrane that covers our internal organs and forms a
protective barrieraround them. To allow the internal
organs to move around easily (when our lungs inhale and
exhale) a fluid is secreted by the mesothelium. Since
the mesothelium covers different organs it has different
names. Pleura
mesothelioma is cancer of the membrane covering the
lungs. Peritoneal
is cancer of the membrane that
covers the abdomen or stomach.
Mesothelioma cancer is when the
mesothelium lining becomes abnormal and grows uncontrollably causing pain. This
can be benign or malignant. Malignant mesothelioma cancer will damage
the tissue of the organ it resides on and possibly
invade other organs. Most cases of mesothelioma are either
pleural or peritoneal. the Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the
pleura or peritoneum.
Althought mesothelioma is a very serious disease it is very
rare. The majority of cases are male and there are
around 2,000 new cases every year. A major factor in the
risk level of a person contracting mesothelioma is their
exposure to asbestos. Most patients were exposed to
asbestos in the manufacturing or building industry where
asbestos was used widely for years.
Mesothelioma cancer was not widely
recognized until 1960 when a South African experiment proved a high
association with asbestos and mesothelioma. The Unisted States Environmental Protection Agency
banned the use of asbestos in 1986.